Advocacy Testimonial, Care Management Testimonial, In-Home Care Testimonial, Testimonial
When my husband suffered a severe ischemic stroke in November, LAUREN reached out letting me know that she was available for “anything I needed” in regards to navigating the ins and outs of the health care system. LAUREN’s calm, assured demeanor was extremely assuring...
Advocacy Testimonial, Assessment Testimonial, Care Management Testimonial, In-Home Care Testimonial, Placement Services Testimonial, Remote Care Testimonial, Testimonial
As a health care professional myself I have worked with a number of care providers and managers. With that said I have found LAUREN’s professionalism, knowledge, advocacy for clients, and overall care to be above and beyond what I could hope for and I find that she is...
Advocacy Testimonial, Assessment Testimonial, Care Management Testimonial, Demential and Alzheimers Testimonial, In-Home Care Testimonial, Testimonial
LAUREN’s experience in the field of aging, and particularly dementia care, is extensive. Her expertise is regularly tapped by the media and groups interested in learning more about elder-care issues. But beyond the competence and knowledge, LAUREN’s true gift to our...
Care Management Testimonial, Demential and Alzheimers Testimonial, In-Home Care Testimonial, Placement Services Testimonial, Testimonial
With two aging parents (ages 89 and 91) and a special needs 62 year old brother all living in the family home, to say we had a full plate was an understatement in the extreme. For many years they managed quite well on their own and then with the help of part time...